How to participate in CPA campaigns

  • Olha Mikhailova
The peculiarity of CPA campaign is that you don't receive a fixed post price and wait for brand confirmation.

Your income depends on how many friends and subscribers will perform a certain action specified in the campaign instructions.

For example, will follow the link, fill out the feedback form, download the application or watch the video. The more actions - the higher the payment. Everything depends on you!
Where can I find CPA campaigns?
Go to your profile on Publicfast and select the "Campaigns" section. Here you will see a list of available CPA campaigns.
Choose an interesting campaign for yourself and make sure that you can organically promote it among friends and subscribers.

After switching to a specific campaign, you will see the following information about it:
  • Campaign name
  • Campaign type
  • The price of one action for your personal link
  • Campaign period*

Actions made after the end of the campaign, are not counted and not paid

"Campaign Type" indicates what is important to the brand. CPC – clicks on your link. CPA - actions committed after the click, for example, filling in the questionnaire.

"About the product" a description of the product or service for promotion. Carefully read this point - here you will be able to find out advantages of the product and what is its value for the audience.

"Instructions" describe the sequence of actions you should do to participate in the campaign.

"Country" indicates which region your subscriber should be from, so that his action can be counted.

"Link" – a link to a product or service.

Don't use the link from the campaign description in your post. After submitting a request for participation, you'll have a personal link through which brand will track the results of the campaign.

How to participate?
If the conditions suit you and you want to participate, click "Send a request" in the upper right corner. You don't need to wait for brand confirmation. Think about how to write a post to engage your friends and subscribers to perform the action specified in the campaign.

The text you write as you want, so your income depends only on the ability to interest the audience. After that, copy your personal link and put it in the post. Pay attention, in which social networks brand wants to promote the product.

If you make an Instagram publication, put the link not in post, but in "Bio" to make it active. In the post itself pay subscribers' attention, where to look for a link.

After a while you will be able to see the results of your post in the "Analytics" tab.
How to withdraw money from Publicfast
After the payment of the post you will be able to withdraw money to your credit or debit card. To do this, go to the "Balance" section, click on the "Withdraw money" button and enter your card details.